चूप लागिबस्‍ने मूर्ख पनि बुद्धिमान्‌ ठानिन्‍छ

"चूप लागिबस्‍ने मूर्ख पनि बुद्धिमान्‌ ठानिन्‍छ,
र आफ्‍नो जिब्रोलाई लगाम लगायो भने त्‍यो विवेकी मानिन्‍छ”।
हितोपदेश 17:28 ESV

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Is wisdom in the brain?

Kathamandu- All true wisdom comes from God, who is the source of all wisdom. “For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:6). Read More…

Making Right Decisions

Most of us have trouble, anxiety, sadness with one area of life that we cannot escape making decisions. In our daily life everyday we have to decide what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. One wrong decision can wreck  a lifelong career or throw a family into financial disaster. Read More…

क्रिसमस कहिलेदेखि मनाउन थालियो?

नयाँ करारका चारवटा सुसमाचार (मत्ती, मर्कुस, लूका र यूहन्ना) येशू ख्रीष्टको बारेमा बताउने सर्वाधिक विश्वसनीय र प्रारम्भिक जीवनीहरू हुन् । यी चारवटै सुसमाचार येशूको स्वर्गारोहणको केही वर्षभित्रमा नै लेखिए । Read More…

Mahatma Gandhi’s view on Christianity

Mahatma Gandhi’s view on Christianity…

Why I didn’t become a follower of Christ? If not Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Indian Independence struggle would have taken longer with more bloodshed, division and war.  Read More…